My Latest Commission for a Budding Family of 5
Golden Flower | 2025 | Mixed Media on Canvas | 40 × 50”
Back story & Inspiration
This piece was a bit out of my comfort zone—merging my client’s abstract, organic, faceless inspiration (faces are kinda my thing) with my style took some finagling. However, I’m happy with the finished product. Well…as happy as an artist who stares at their own work for hours on end can get. An artist's art is never really “done”, ya know?
I am a lover of symbolism–everything from shapes to colors to objects. So, anything I can use in a symbolic way to help make a custom piece that is personal to the client is immensely important to me as it’s an effort to create a real relationship between the art and the viewer. I also look at it as an opportunity to strengthen my own sense of connection and community. And frankly, it makes the art-making process that much more meaningful.
The request included: something “bright and happy” to fill the space on their wall heading up to the children’s bedrooms and that slowing down the flow of chi on the staircase and creating a sense of stability was something they’d like. They also asked for the use of gold to signify prosperity and good luck. And last but not least, they chose a flower to represent each one of them; Mom chose a peony, dad liked dogwood flowers, the two girls picked roses and chrysanthemums and for their newest addition to the family, a boy; delphiniums.
Weaving it All Together
There’s a lot, so bear with me. I promise it’s worth it.
This commission request representing family came at such an interesting time in my life and my woo-woo brain can’t help but feel like it was more than coincidental. In June of 2024 I made the very sudden choice to move home to Upstate NY from Denver to be closer to my family. In July I fell in love with my wonderful partner. And in October I found out I am pregnant with our first child. I’m not sure if it was being thrust back into my hometown community, or preparing to start a family of my own or if it was hormones, but since my return to the east coast I have been somewhat obsessed with how families–whether that's a biological or chosen family– can literally shape who we become. From our genetics, to our traditions, to our personalities.** So when I was asked to design and paint this commission, I felt a different sense of understanding than I think I would have, had they asked me to do this a year ago.
I recently read that research now shows that a baby’s cells can cross the placenta barrier and enter the mother’s body becoming her liver cells, muscle cells and even the neurons in her brain. This means that bits of that baby stay forever in the mother! Which means dad is also in mom, and baby is literally mom and dad and that just carries on and on forever, merging people from all different backgrounds and walks of life. And holy crap I find that so cool. Especially as someone who so highly values connection and family.
With that being said, I loved the concept of using a different flower to represent each family member (note; everyone chose their own flower!), but all of them being on the same tree. To me, I think that shows the difference and beauty of each of their varying personalities, but also the acceptance of those differences and the love and bond of their family.
The shape of the tree is meant vaguely to represent an infinity sign or the number 8. Eight is associated with balance, abundance, and new beginnings–which felt fitting because they just welcomed another baby into their family.
The leaves have a subtle drip, bleeding onto itself and connecting the overall shape together to symbolize how each one of them impacts and connects the other, as well as a nod to the blending of mom and dad’s family ancestry, cultures and traditions.
Lastly, I chose to make this piece textural for a number of reasons. As mentioned earlier, they wanted to create a sense of calm and balance coming down the stairs. I think the use of buttons, materials and beads is something that can give a child more interest in slowing down and looking at art; especially when they learn that each bit of it was created with them and their uniqueness in mind.
I used leftover un-stretched canvas to paint the flowers on and later cut them out
I’ve also taken a recent interest in creating art that is somewhat sustainable (I won’t dive far into the human/nature connection or you’ll be here forever), but in a way that still makes the piece personal and special. So, bits of the beads and buttons in this painting came from the client’s family members, and other textures were pieces of my palette paper I used to mix the colors to paint the flowers.
I could go on forever about every little detail, but I think (I hope) I have given you enough insight into the many facets of this painting. My hope is that their family will feel some sort of special connection to the piece and that it brings them as much joy to look at as it brought me to paint.
Thats me, Jahna Rae; Sitting in my home studio, 5 Months pregnant for our future artist
**Please note: I understand that family is not always a source of joy for everyone, and I want to be mindful of those experiences. I know that having a close-knit family is a privilege, especially in today’s world, and I don’t take that for granted. This blog post was written to share the unique and happy story of a specific family, and while I acknowledge that not all experiences are the same, I hope this piece can still be appreciated for what it is—a celebration of their special bond.